After 200 years of existence, Ligatne Paper Mill has been reborn, slowly becoming a self-sufficient environment. Here we will resume paper production, as well as create a place for culture and art, such as creative workshops, master classes, slow lifestyle events, concerts, exhibitions, and other harmonious initiatives.

Paper Production
Soon in Ligatne, paper machines will continue their work, and paper production will be revived! The story of paper production will begin with high-quality watercolor paper from cotton, combining modern possibilities with the old paper production traditions.
Paper Mill Festival '24
A harmonious lifestyle festival that will let you experience outdoor taste, cosmic sounds, meaningful conversations, creative expressions, and inspiration.

Guided Tours
A unique opportunity to visit an authentic paper factory which is a place where it seems time has stopped, and you can experience different cultural layers.

Harmoniously Held Paper Factory Festival
On Saturday, August 12th, the "Papīrfabrikas Festivāls" unfolded within the historic Līgatne paper mill, offering a harmonious lifestyle experience for families...

The historic Ligatne Paper Mill invites you to a harmonious lifestyle festival
This year on August 12, the historic Ligatne Paper Mill will open its gates to anyone interested, inviting them to the Paper Mill Festival, which is a harmonious lifestyle event for the whole family...

Ligatne Paper Mill has been welcomed into the European Route of Industrial Heritage network
Ligatne Paper Mill is now a part of the European Route of Industrial Heritage. The Paper Mill joined this network at the beginning of 2023.