On Saturday, August 12th, the "Papīrfabrikas Festivāls" unfolded within the historic Līgatne paper mill, offering a harmonious lifestyle experience for families. The event, which attracted approximately 5,000 attendees from across Latvia, enriched the paper mill with vibrant activities throughout the day.
At the festival, everyone had the opportunity to participate in more than 20 different creative art, music, nature, and self-growth workshops, listen and participate in discussions, enjoy the cosmic sound of nature and meditative concerts performed by Ugis Praulins and his band, Gints Smukais, and other musicians. Everyone was also invited to taste slow-cooked food created from locally grown products, as well as to participate in the unique concept pop-up restaurant "Long Table Celebration" organized by chef Eriks Dreibants and the restaurant "Pavaru maja". The festival was also enriched by a farmers market with 70 local producers and organic farmers, guided tours in the Paper Mill and former workers' apartment, a saved book library, art exhibitions, plein air watercoloring, and many other harmonious activities that allowed anyone to meet like-minded people.
Edgars Ricevs, owner of the Ligatne Paper Mill, says: "Through this festival, we want to invite the socieoldety to move from the daily hurried rhythm to a more peaceful living, to focus on a harmonious lifestyle in connection with themselves, the people around them and the environment.
To live consciously, to think creatively and ecologically. The courtyard of the Paper Mill, which has both a peaceful and uniquely beautiful nature presence and an energetic industrial environment, is just like a mirror for our everyday life: everything fits in it, you just have to be able to find a balance and listen to yourself."
Ligatne Paper Mill was once the oldest industrial company in Latvia, which operated with almost no interruption. From 1815 to 2014, the paper was produced in the Ligatne Paper Mill—initially by hand, later industrially. To provide the best conditions for the employees, a village with a school, a clubhouse, apartments, and a hospital rapidly formed around the Paper Mill. All of this can still be seen, which is why Ligatne, with its natural, cultural, and historical heritage, attracts like a magnet.
The festival is organized by the Ligatne Paper Mill, supported by the municipality of Cesis, the Vidzeme Planning Region, and the State Culture Capital Foundation (SCCF). For more information: papirfabrika.lv.
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