Harmoniously Held Paper Factory Festival
On Saturday, August 12th, the "Papīrfabrikas Festivāls" unfolded within the historic Līgatne paper mill, offering a harmonious lifestyle experience for families...
On Saturday, August 12th, the "Papīrfabrikas Festivāls" unfolded within the historic Līgatne paper mill, offering a harmonious lifestyle experience for families...
This year on August 12, the historic Ligatne Paper Mill will open its gates to anyone interested, inviting them to the Paper Mill Festival, which is a harmonious lifestyle event for the whole family...
Ligatne Paper Mill is now a part of the European Route of Industrial Heritage. The Paper Mill joined this network at the beginning of 2023.
Ligatne Paper Mill (SIA ER Invest) has signed a contract with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for the European Regional Development Fund project...
Š.g. 13. augustā notika “Papīrfabrikas Festivāls” – “lēnā” dzīvesveida pasākums visai ģimenei,…